For donors interested in customized impact investments, National Philanthropic Trust offers a curated menu of pre-approved private investment options. These investments—researched and selected in partnership with CapShift—seek specific social, economic or environmental impacts in addition to financial returns. The loan funds provide capital to companies, non-profits and individuals and offer one- to five-year investment terms. Private equity and venture funds invest in companies, real estate and infrastructure projects and have investment horizons of typically 10 years or more. Other open-ended funds make long-term investments, but allow for redemptions. These private funds invest in innovative new products and solutions to global challenges and aid social enterprises to scale their operations and impact on their local communities.
NPT and CapShift can aid you in determining the appropriate investments for your area of impact focus, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs. For additional details about these investment options or to get started in this unique offering, please fill out the form here.
Advance Global Capital
Impact Sector: Financial Services
Debt fund connecting investors with small businesses that need working capital to survive, grow, and create jobs, creating healthy, resilient communities worldwide.
De-Carceration Fund
Impact Sector: Broad Impact
Private equity fund seeking to raise capital to invest in highly innovative business models that address the injustices of mass incarceration.
Education Technology Fund
Impact Sector: Education
$200M impact buyout education technology fund focused on control investments in fast-growing cashflow positive software companies.
Enterprise Community Impact Note
Impact Sector: Housing
Nonprofit loan fund providing community development and mission-aligned for-profit partners with capital to advance affordable housing and community facilities projects.
IRC-CEO Fresh Start Fund
Impact Sector: Broad Impact
$10M million loan fund that aims to support refugee families on their path to financial stability in the United States through economic empowerment tools and loans.
Kairos Real Estate Impact Strategy
Impact Sector: Housing
Investment strategy supporting affordable housing programs throughout the US with opportunities for environmental investments and social impact.
Impact Sector: Financial Services
Evergreen debt fund that supports Native people to create wealth and financial assets by driving strong, permanent institutions contributing to economic independence and strengthening sovereignty.
Root Capital – Senior Impact Notes
Impact Sector: Food and Agriculture
Nonprofit fund investing in small and growing agricultural businesses that reach and improve the livelihoods of small-holder farmers in the world’s most vulnerable areas.
MCE Global Economic Opportunity Notes
Impact Sector: Microfinance
Microfinance investment fund using a pioneering guarantee model to produce jobs, sustain micro-businesses, and improve lives in emerging markets.
One Acre Fund
Impact Sector: Environment
Nonprofit organization that provides a complete service bundle of financing, distribution, training, and post-harvest support to smallholder farmers.
Aquaculture Fund
Impact Sector: Food and Agriculture
Private equity fund investing globally along the aquaculture value chain to solve industry challenges and advance to a sustainable future.
Blue Forest FRB Catalyst Facility, LLC
Impact Sector: Conservation
Note that finances ecological restoration projects on public lands that reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire, protect water resources, and enhance climate resilience.
Impact Sector: Energy
Early-stage venture capital fund seeking to invest in startups developing capital efficient climate technologies for the enterprise and mobility that also provide meaningful business value.
Greenbacker Capital Management
Impact Sector: Energy
Private infrastructure fund investing in and managing renewable energy infrastructure, including solar assets, wind power plants, and other sustainable infrastructure projects.
Iroquois Valley Farms Soil Restoration Notes
Impact Sector: Food and Agriculture
An evergreen debt fund that aims to create public benefit by enabling healthy food production, restoring soil, and improving water quality through the establishment of secure and sustainable farmland tenure.
Rethink Food, LP
Impact Sector: Food and Agriculture
A venture capital fund investing in new ideas and technologies helping transform food systems. Led by industry veterans, the fund aims to reduce costs, increase access to healthy foods and prioritize positive environmental effects to better society.
Southeast Asia Clean Energy Facility, LP (SEACEF)
Impact Sector: Energy
Equity fund that provides catalytic capital and development funding to early-stage Southeast Asian projects accelerating transformative, high-impact clean energy opportunities.
Sustainable Timberland Fund
Impact Sector: Conservation
Diversified, core U.S. commercial timberland strategy targeting conservation and biodiversity outcomes at scale with measurable net carbon sequestration.
Calvert Impact Capital’s Community Investment Note®
Impact Sector: Broad Impact
Fixed income security channeling capital to organizations creating measurable social and environmental impact in communities around the world.
Open Road Impact Fund, LLC
Impact Sector: Broad Impact
Loan fund providing fast, flexible, short-term debt to keep growth and impact on track during critical “step-up” moments for impact-first companies.
UNICEF USA Bridge Fund
Impact Sector: Healthcare
Bridge fund accelerating vaccines and essential supplies to at-risk children, including emergency supplies delivery to the over 7.5 million Ukrainian children affected by war.
NOTE: As these funds do not trade on public exchanges, they cannot be sold for immediate liquidity for grantmaking. However, some funds listed above provide for quarterly redemptions. Please inquire regarding the terms of each fund in question. For donors seeking values-aligned impact investments with immediate liquidity for grantmaking, NPT offers four thematic impact portfolios — Equity and Inclusion, Gender Lens, Environmental Stewardship, and Broad Social Impact.
To get started, please email us.